, earn a little money, and live freely.

, earn a little money, and live freely. “What’s the good news for me?” I asked. “According to the secret report sent by the spies five days ago, someone suspected of Lingzhen appeared in the Ling family. The Ling family immediately announced that it had entered the highest alert state, and all distribution units were […]

s will not expose his body. This special layer of liquid seems to be the bodily fluids of some kind of monster. We know that you are an expert on monsters, so we just thought Please take a look.”

s will not expose his body. This special layer of liquid seems to be the bodily fluids of some kind of monster. We know that you are an expert on monsters, so we just thought Please take a look.” I was startled and nodded immediately. When he showed me the bottle containing the special body […]

you go back alive from the beginning. Just in case, someone must be guarding the exit, otherwise what? Guarding you? But with me here, I can smooth over any storm. But this time, the deal is over after I leave. You will give me my freedom. “

you go back alive from the beginning. Just in case, someone must be guarding the exit, otherwise what? Guarding you? But with me here, I can smooth over any storm. But this time, the deal is over after I leave. You will give me my freedom. ” Black Skeleton ? He looked at me with […]

restaurant with the former Riyuro. Today’s banquet suddenly made me feel that there might be something surprising happening in Japan, and I started to look forward to it for a while.

restaurant with the former Riyuro. Today’s banquet suddenly made me feel that there might be something surprising happening in Japan, and I started to look forward to it for a while. Back at his residence, Junyi was watching TV in the hall of the villa. He heard the noise and looked up at me. Before […]


ad. The situation was pretty much what I expected. Although I didn’t see any corpses, the ground was full of smashed paper figures. Obviously, there had been a fierce battle with Dou before being forced into the cave. Judging from the situation, the fight should be very fierce. Shikigami used a lot of them, but […]

the immortal gods, the immortal gods behind were slightly frightened, and the divine light rioted around them, and they came crazily towards the gate of the stars.

the immortal gods, the immortal gods behind were slightly frightened, and the divine light rioted around them, and they came crazily towards the gate of the stars. Fu Yuan sneered when he saw this scene. “You see, pure killing scares mortals, but it cannot scare these gods!” Jidu Xingjun frowned and sneered. “That’s because we […]